Below is a link to "Star Trek New Voyages". This is a group of
serious people, who are making brand new episodes of Star Trek with
the original crew, Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty and the rest. Of
course the actors are different, all new people. The new episodes
are available for download only and will not be shown on TV. The are
not paying any royalties to Paramount so these are amateur
productions and thus are required to be free. That said, this is not
some group of Trekkies, with their dad's video camera dressed up in
their convention costumes, play acting in the garage. (No email
please, Trekkies)
These episodes are very, very well done.
Mark my words. This is the very beginning of a big time paradigm
shift. It has already happened with music. TV networks and cable
channels take note..... Here be dragons1.
be dragons" |